
It’s true when people say that they are not feeling God in present times. While I am not so sure about the past as I am myself new to this world but we can estimate from history and from the storytellers, the spiritual life people used to live in past times. Although it was coupled with some amount of superstition and its side effects, what I am talking about is the inner satisfaction. Illiteracy can be blamed for the prevailing superstition but globalization has helped a lot. Well not so while ago when I was a child, it was still the time without Whatsapp and Facebook. We are all addicted to these now and it has 'transformed' people. Addicted because it has become our need now. We could not catch up with the latest developments if we refuse to change along. However, the dimensions are wide. In fact, urban cities are more devoid of spirituality than anywhere else and we all know the continuous expansion of the urban areas and megacities with megatowers and reduced spaces. I don’t feel satisfied after spending 3 hours in a mega city mall than what I used to have sitting idle near a tree or a lake in my hometown or village.

There used to be a forest in front of my home which will soon be long gone in coming years because people are deforesting it and making their concrete homes. It is obviously said that the grass is greener on the other side. People from urban look forward to a life in a rural place and vice-versa. It is not true for everyone and everyone have their set of truths based on their interaction with the world and their inner self. My truth is I am done with the urban areas which do not support blue and green. When was the last time you spent your whole day without your handset containing all kind of technology to link you with the external world?

Commercialization is a hidden monster! We should not have deforested our forests. Humans cannot sustain alone in the ecosystem. It is forest which is supporting us with all kind of utilities. It is time to look back and still make the developments sustainable. Having easy access to water through the tap in our houses, we have kind of forgotten that we are highly dependent on nature and the water we are receiving is processed, depolluted and pipelined. Water crisis and Global warming are something people have not yet taken quiet seriously. I do not want to buy water for my daily use! Natural resources should be judiciously used. On the other hand, animals and other species of the earth are not meant to live in captivity. Every born being has the fundamental rights what humans in a free world proclaim! You cannot treat them with violence. You cannot pack them in unhygienic prisons! Leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela have mentioned in their autobiographies how during the time of struggle for independence they had been mistreated and prisoned, “like they are animals”… My point is we need to change this notion of quoting animals in such places. I wonder if dogs are using the slang, ‘human you’, it is so incorrect!

It is disgraceful that we are not aware & ignorant of the animal atrocities that are fast prevailing because of the increasing population & competition between world economies to reach the top. This is a selfish and double behavior. We can build dams over a river to conserve water for hydroelectric projects but the nonreversible loss of biodiversity of the region is something we cannot cope up with if the earth equilibrium once gets disturbed. 

Has it not become hard for you to commute because of the increased level of pollution? Our black tar roads are packed with honking vehicles and other toxic chemicals which we inhale proudly. Our surrounding is full of electromagnetic waves from mobile towers. It is not only harmful for the human but as well for the birds flying by. If the earth is our mother, we are unsympathetically overexploiting it.

I am concerned & I know you as well. Let me know when to act…

न तेरा घर, न मेरा घर
मै भी मुसाफिर, तू भी मुसाफिर
एक ही कश्ती, एक ही दरिया
तैरना यही, डूबना भी यही


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