Life, eh?

As a child, people tend to have many fanatical dreams. They think of becoming superman, actor, pilot, scientist and similar… Children flow in their own imaginative world of life full of colors, comfort, talking animals, singing birds, flying man and all. They have great curiosity to learn and remain egoless. Everything seems to be pretty much possible from their eyes. In their wild imagination, one can fly, one can be invisible, and have no pain at all. Ironically, most of the adults want to be the child again and vice-versa. It is human’s inherent property to feel that the grass is greener on the other side of the world. A property when we always want to run from the physical world in to the world of Tom & Jerry, Donald Duck, Aladdin and what not. Reaching an adult age, it doesn’t take more time to realize that in the real world there is no place for wild imaginations. While it surely depends upon person to person perspective on how we live our life and what we fill it with if we be so lucky to choose it ourselves, but the harshness of life on other living beings cannot be hidden.  

Transportation has made life easy that there need not to have a second thought to plan for a journey. Sure it is. In old times, the quality of road infrastructure and poor transportation was life threatening. One has to leave everything behind with the uncertain future of returning back. The ever increasing population of the world has been bringing hard challenges with it. There is growing burden on agriculture with many endeavor researches for increasing the productivity per square meter of land. It can’t be denied that the changing world has brought wonderful technologies and the changes in the human society as well. The eradication of many illogical superstitions from the society is one of the key achievements of the human. The growing perspective of equality among the genders, races, castes and colors is applauding.   

Modern world has been bringing grave competition among people and the direness to increase productivity in all aspects of life is so necessitated that the line connecting between the people to the life has been losing. To the vast population of human beings who may be critically deprived of enough time or resource, a question is framed, Are we really living our life? What is the purpose of spending childhood in studying terribly hard to get a job which offers attractive salary and engage you 12 hours out of the mere 24 hours available in your daily schedule till the time one realizes that it’s too late to recover the already passed time and the accumulated money is just worth enough to be spend in health care which was deteriorated in the past? 


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