Garlanding, what for?

Indian politics has been showing signs of melodrama in its very root. Five years are the official years for a government to work upon. In those pity five years our great government spend time making controversial policies which attract maximum voters to them in the next election. However the first one year of the government is spent in changing the policies of previous government and advertising to the public about the differentiation. The next three years are the bridging years which do involve some good governance as and at last ending up to the mighty last year. The last year government is focused in campaigning around the country. There will be long tours place to place spending public money to fly in helicopters, private jets, arranging for vast gathering, display of posters and flags containing eloquent pictures of several unknowns ‘trying to be acknowledged’ so called leaders to the flesh of voters. There will be fights among different political parties, exchanging of dirty accusations which the innocent voters have not thought of, big great rallies funded from the public taxes, and what not.  

There is one special ceremony which almost takes place everywhere every time, the sacred ceremony of garlanding the leaders. It is amusing to observe the leaders accepting being garlanded. There have been cases of garlands made from the notes of rupees. There is a saying, “Improve your argument, not your voice”. In case of Indian politics, it is opposite. The politicians are busy in raising the voices full of nothing, big-illogical-unplanned-imaginative promises and show offs. The task of the politician is simple; it is to serve the country India like every other citizen who is a police officer, doctor, scientists, engineer, architecture, army person, painter, writer, sweeper, banker and all of them. We are all the building blocks of the developing India and contribute 10-12 hours of the day to the nation by doing some value adding task. The difference lies in the interest of the person for which the task is different. Serving the nation as a politician is another such task. More than 30% of the current politicians have criminal background. What is the point? The point is, there is nothing big in being a politician. Please don’t garland them for sitting in A/C offices, driving SUVs, having dinner in a five-star hotel, enjoying good salaries, exchanging pity arguments with their counterparts, foreign tours and other with nonetheless public money.


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