These people…

This place… This busy place… These busy people…
These small streets… These noises of masses and transport…
People walking, murmuring, laughing, fighting and on…
The rush so deep and chaotic…
Even the sky is busy with flying planes one after another.

Plastics, smokes, puddle and hunger
These busy people… And their precious smartphones
I see bend heads, peeking deep into the virtual world
No introspection but ignorance
Ignoring the next neighbor and the available environment to some faraway human
Oh! It’s raining!! It’s so beautiful!!!
See those few green plants. Their leaves are shining in wetness!
See those few planted flowers. See those dark foggy clouds.
This cold breeze... This lovely smell of soil!
It’s raining!! Can’t you see!?!?
See!! Look up!! Damn…
Oh… These busy people with their precious smart phones
If this is what being modern is, I don’t want it. I don’t!

This busy place… These busy people…
That small street… Those several shops… The noises
And those several cows standing carelessly & aimlessly
Shops of sweets, furniture, medicine, vegetables… blah-blah
And beside that sweet shop standing those hungry children wearing torn out rags
Those several children dancing and singing cohesively in hope of a metal coin
Metal coin, in which printed proudly the name of my nation
My nation... My hard working government… and these poor children
Is it darkness beneath the ignorance and fake luxury??!

My media... My sensible and patriotic media...
From past week they are showing the funeral of lovely pet dog of a famous actor.
That famous actor is sad, that'so my countrymen. News is viral…
Last night they were showing the news of one politician. He is in jail and wants bail.
So what he did a scam and ate some poor’s money, he is also a human being.
Yeah, some soldiers died in the border while fighting for the nation.
They lost their lives. Nation may or may not provide some incentives to their family.
Although, the discussion in the parliament is about increasing the pay scale of the political members
That army person who burned heavily from the bomb,
His little girl is crying out of fear looking at his father’s dead body.

Incredible India?!


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