Through the open windows of my rented small room
Sitting in a chair, I was peeking outside
Seeing nobody but this confused and crowded humans in that tall building outside,
& street downside
Soon, it was raining heavily, big drops of pure water hitting the earth surface
 The sound of rain, water drops shouting in congested space, with friction
And excited to reach the earth surface, as if tired of hanging in clouds
Between all these rush events happening, there I was
Inside my room was a deep silence, and inside me running several memories

It was a holiday. And away I was from my home
Here, it was an unexplored place to me, new and peculiar
Humans are busier in this place for unknown reasons, aimless but busy

I saw tall buildings hit heavily by rain drops, desperately falling over the congested city
Horns of vehicle, traffic and humans stuck inside their vehicle, annoyed

That day, the rain reminds me of my fast fading childhood
The power cut at the time of raining,
The paper boats sailing through the narrow flowing rain water
The fear of losing the accumulated water and rain
Wet clothes and scolding of mother!
More open fields outside, few houses, greenery and many puddles
And the excitement and god damn happiness!!
Those small puddles looked like a big lake to me,
I was small then. I grew up tall now.
Looking back, childhood seems so beautiful, lovely and occupied with loved ones

Through the open windows of my rented small room
Sitting in a chair, I was peeking outside


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