The city gaze
It's a big city, is it. He is lost. Not alone, but in his full presence and the companionship of the deep sense of silence that engulf the open wounds of the city. Englossed with glittery lights, smoothened with finesses, he walks and walks around. Busy streets meet him with monotonous gaze. Look at the unmoving earth.
These lanes are sure mazes. Hear me out! What is the day today? Is it the month of January? "Oh, it's long gone...", the city talks back in nothingness. A month jus passed... where did it go?
He can't sleep on the new bed. It's too soft. Lots of caring, and he asks, for what? He acts unaware. By the open window of the room, comes in singular breeze, bringing with it random honks of vehicles and few cries of adolescents.
Down at the highway, traffic moves romantically robotic. A drape of thin smog protects the air, while a yellowish enigma glitters overhead.. How about some silence. Close the window! The skylights hide the stars up there.
Traveler, where is your home? Who are you seeking for? "A piece of belonging...", he says back. No obeyance. The walk continues.
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