Street seller

A man sit crouched by the busy street, hawking for the possible customers who may happen to stop for a general enquiry and bargain! 

What is he selling? Some random utensils. 

He carries a red bag, which contains all his stock and acts as flexible storehouse too! Everyday he packs up and moves his warehouse back to his living space. How does he travel? He is also carrying a water bottle. A workspace necessity, you know.

Meanwhile, what is the capital involvement? What is his day selling target? How much should he sell to maintain a limited living standard of himself and his family? What is the margin? Does he save enough to volumify his business?

Neatly setting his hair apart, he himself come dressed in a stark blue shirt. Over a thin cotton cloth lying on the tarred road, he decorates his products arranged in a rectangular fashion.. The wait has begin.

Is it morning time? It is. The day has only started. Today is Sunday. Along with him, there are other sellers who have taken the streets. It's a ritual.

He has flexible working hours! Anyways, how seasonal the work is? During the month of rain, where would he sit and what would he sell? Will it still be utensils...? Depends. A few days back, some minister was to arrive at Mumbai for an inauguration. These same sellers were made to empty the streets clean. Not strange at all!

How are you doing Street Hawker? Good Morning to you!


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