International Women’s day

Women & men complete each other in a society. They are no doubt interdependent. While the purpose of this article on the occasion of ‘International Women’s day’ has a special catalytic role not only in the social thinking to look at the lives of women but this, on a whole is going to uplift the whole society let alone the workplace... This has also let us snatch a small time from our busy ongoing life and to comprehend one of the basic issues that the world is dealing with at the “marginalization of women” & locking them down at certain roles. We have women like Indira Gandhi – The Iron lady, Kalpana Chawla who has risen against the prejudices of the society to prove herself and make the whole nation proud with their deed. This proves that given the equal opportunities similar to men in India, they will bring together a better world.

We cannot talk alone about the role of women in anyone’s world because then it will be a half-truth. I cannot say that women are more tender then men. I have observed abusing mother & kind father and vice-versa. Problem is when you don’t ask your young boy to come home earlier but you do with your girl child! It causes frustration to every “she”. Our society mandates a girl to leave her house and live in her husband’s house, to own his house & all his belongings! Don’t you think women from ages in this form have made an immense amount of unsaid sacrifices for men? I am totally uncomfortable to leave my parents! I cannot do it. It is impossible and totally alien to me. I now receive frequent calls from my sister who at times cry because now my own mother is preparing to marry her away by following the same tradition. I am helpless in this regards. I believe it is an impractical situation and like a stressed wire under continuous increasing force, we are surely going to see a revolution. Fortunately, she is completing her graduation and circumstances will allow her to earn for herself. 

My mother as a housewife: She lives in her own mansion and is an unproclaimed queen. Without her, I could not imagine my home. She has made my home, “home”. She has taken care of me and my whole family one-handedly although no award of ‘Employee of the year’ has been given to her. She has learned to bath with the part of my father’s success although unappreciated. In corporate terms, she was my consultant, my cook, my teacher, my best friend, my teammate etc. She has lived multiple roles not only as a mother but as a sister, a wife, a daughter in law etc. & let me tell you that she has performed extraordinarily well in all the sectors! 

Happy “International women’s day” & let us take an oath to never undermine women in whatever way. She can protect herself but we need to see that our indirect and unforeseen taunts can spoil her whole life!


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