Long way to go: India

India soon is on the line of becoming the most populated nation of the world which is definitely not a privilege either to the nation or to the billions of us who reside in it. We have a written constitution which is lengthiest in its form. While drafting the various constitutions, deciding upon the fundamental Rights and the directive principles, our leaders did discuss and debated upon for a long period of almost 2 years. By Dec 1949, our constitution was ready to be launched among the newly independent nation and to its large population. India is one of the nations with the highest number of youth at present ideas of them are giving shape to our nation and is guiding our way to future. Obligations we have with respect to the tense situation between our previous generation and now. We all abide by our laws in our day to day lifestyle, obviously as per our convenience. Indian boundaries consist of varieties of flora and fauna, hundreds of identified language, several festivals upon its varied geometry and so on but one Constitution to all of us with few exceptions to a set of people.

17th, 18th century Britain, Spain and France had a lot of colonies worldwide. Talking of the American Revolution during the end of 17th century, they received independence in less than two decades. Period of revolution straightly refers to the common idea prevailing among the citizen, their sense of common understanding. Independence is not possible without a majority of the united nation. In four months period, after achieving independence their constitution was ready. It also had some criticism e.g. women and slaves were not allowed to vote. From then till now, they have already developed themselves into the superpower. India, on the other hand just after independence, had many crucial problems to handle. British left India in a vulnerable economic state, border issue at the North and the East with China & Pakistan. Illiteracy, superstitions, untouchability, the dowry was prevailing among the majority of the people. Matter of concern is we still are dealing with similar issues after almost 7 decades. Although we are now one of the fastest growing economies still we lag far behind when it comes to various indexes of MMR, women empowerment, sex ratio, health policy and soon. Crediting to present government, the course of discussion among the masses have somehow shifted to the indented immoral of the society. But with this, a certain section of society is looking forward for more division of states based on their caste and religion.

Indian public at large is unaware of their fundamental rights, as well as their directive principles which if enforced properly would solve a lot of our issues. Every year government launches several welfare schemes, many of which remain unenforced and ingrained with corruption. May be we have a long way to go with auditing the ground realities comparing to the published ones which our politicians smoothly refer in their rhetoric during the election rallies and other assemblies. At various organizations, including the religious corridors, certain policies need to be checked and monitored with more open mind. It brings happiness to observe how women in urban towns are becoming more demanding for enforcing their fundamental rights which are already there in our constitution but not followed upon. Our policies still need a big way to be cast with more open debates and discussions in various available forums, one of which could be growing social platforms. The idea of this should be inclusive of all people rather than pertaining only from a countable few. India, long way to go...


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