Happy Independence Day

Let me begin this write-up with a brief reminder that we are independent people of an independent country, Happy Independence Day! Some decades ago, with the sacrifice of millions of our great countrymen and some patriotic leaders, we achieved ‘independence’. 
Independence! Independence! We achieved independence from some foreign people who were running our country. Now our own countrymen run our country.68 years it is! 68 years it is that we are independent. 68. Those foreigners when they were running our country, we Indians were not getting to enjoy even some of the basic fundamental rights. Right to equality, Right to freedom, Right against exploitation, Right to education, Right to life… What are we without the assurance of these basic rights? Now we do get it. But deep in my heart, a question do pops-up most of the time when I am thoughtful, are we truly independent? Are we all Indians equal in the face of the constitution? These foreign peoples used to stole the money and gems of our nation for the development of their country. Can we ignore the fact that most of our politicians, who are supposed to run our country, are having black accounts abroad? Aren’t they stealing from their own countrymen? And what are we doing to stop them? Are we doing nothing? We are doing nothing. We are becoming so ignorant and lazy that with everyday scam of millions of Indian rupees is being stolen and robbed, and we are not bothered of it. Things which we bother about are of soap opera actor’s life, silly comments of the non-analytical politicians, parliament’s circus...blah blah.
Yes, we have a right to vote. Every five years, countrymen of more than 18 years of age go and cast their independent vote. But look at the terrible options we have to select from. Becoming politician is much more difficult than facing any other competitive examination in India, and its real fact. I have some room for rare exceptions but look at the bigger picture. There are countless enthusiastic youths who are poor, not a son of any politician or celebrity of some kind, but possess a quality leadership skills and patriotic. They are turned down by the system and thus by the country itself. It seems that the magic wand is snatched from the hands of who deserve it the most and is given to the one who has no respect of it.  
How about Right to Equality? How it is that all the countrymen are divided into sections based on their caste. I am General, he is OBC, she is ST, he is SC, and he is physically handicapped and all. This was not just created out of nothing but by the great constitution itself. The problem with this is that it is ever darkening, ever increasing. It is becoming the very core of the agenda for political campaigning. Isn’t it simple to understand that if someone wants to be upgraded and boosted, it is the poor section of the society irrespective of their caste and religion? Reservation based on financial status rather than caste is ethical. 
If only we become more aware of the situation and take seriously with the actual problem of the society, I see hope, I see hope.  
Once again Happy Independence Day... 


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