Angry clouds?!
Finally, the clouds got tired.
Finally, the clouds stopped roaring.
They rained heavily today.
What was the fuss all about?
I thought, “It is the end”.
They poured as if they got annoyed with my countrymen.
As if they were angry.
As if they were hurt & Heart broken.
They are still there in the sky.
Now silently they are hanging.
Yes. They look dramatically beautiful. Colorful. Charming.
I could not predict their mood right now.
Are they still angry?
Oh nature! Oh my mother nature.
Bless us. Bless us. Bless us.
For, we are new into this world.
You are immensely old.
It is night now.
Street lights are on.
The yellowish light coming out of it seems to be divided in
countless rays.
Rays seems so innocent. They seem afraid, as my little heart
too. How bad.
The rays moving towards the earth looks sparkled after
getting reflected from the wetness.
The rays moving towards the sky are lost there.
The life is becoming normal once again.
The anger of the dark black huge clouds can still be felt in
the silent streets.
The city is silent. The city is wet.
Wet as if some bloody massacre took place?
The stuck people are returning back to their loved ones in
their homes.
Mother Nature reminds us of her power every now and then.
The skin of my countrymen is thick.
The realization is momentary.
The injury is not so deep.
It will be cured and
forgotten soon.
It will be cured and forgotten soon.
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