
लोकल ट्रेन के सन्दर्भ में आदमी

  ये लोकल ट्रेन में बैठे बैठे आदमी जाने किस ख्यालो में खो जाता है. शायद बैठने को मिल गया इसका कोई मर्म एहसास उसे कायल कर देता होगा. या घर और करीब है इसकी अनुभवता पे दिलचस्पी छा जाती होगी. आँखें खोई हुई, चेहरे में कोई सुर्खिया नहीं. और कभी अचानक से चलते सफर को गौर से निहार लेना.  आदमी ख्यालो में गुम है ये बड़ी बात है. आदमी या तो गुमसुम दिखता है या अपने फ़ोन को देखता है. फ़ोन तो कैद है हमारी. हाँ.. हाल में यही महसूस किया. मैंने सोचना छोड़ दिया है. मै अब बस देखता हूँ. फ़ोन की स्क्रीन में. कई कई देर तक. लोकल में बात करने वाले आदमी भी दिख पड़ते है. इनमे बड़ी गहराई होती. इनकी बाते राजनैतिक है, सामाजिक है हर प्रकार से. जैसे अर्थशास्त्री माइक्रो और मैक्रो के स्तर में जाके अर्थव्यवस्था को समझते है, वैसे इन सब बातो में माइक्रो-सामाजिक बाते होती है. लेकिन हाँ भाईचारा देखो तो. आप बोल दे की मेरा बैग प्लीज़ वहा पे रख दो, या प्यार से पुचकारते हुए ज़रा सी जगह बनाने की दरख्वास्त कर दो.. आदमी हो जाते है. एडजस्ट. लड़ाई भी है पर अपनी जगह.  मै तो चाहता हूँ की लोकल ट्रेन टाइम्स के नाम पर कोई पत्रिका ही छपन

रावण से सहानुभूति

सोचता हूँ की रावण का पाप कितना बड़ा होगा की उसकी सजा अब भी ख़तम नहीं होती. हर साल पूरे भारत में और विश्व के कई देशो में हिन्दू धर्म के लोग दशहरा के दिन हज़ारो रावणो का वध करवाते है. हमें नहीं मालूम की रावण कैसा दिखता होगा. मैंने उसकी प्रतिमा और पुतले भयावह ही देखे है. उसकी बड़ी बड़ी मूछे है, उसकी आँखों में ज्वालामुखी फटता है, उसके दस सर है.. ऐसा कुछ.  मुझे कुछ सहानुभूति होती है रावण से. बच्चे से लेकर बूढ़े तक सब लोग उसके जलते हुए पुतले को देख देख खुश और अचंभित होते है. रावण गर कही से देखता होगा तो क्या सोचता होगा. क्या उसका दिल पसीज जाता होगा? क्या उसे ग्लानि मारे डालती होगी? हर दशहरा गुज़र जाने के बाद उसके लिए दोबारा ये दिन आना भी कितना दर्द से होगा. या की ऐसा हो की उसे इतनी नफरत पसंद हो. रावण तो रावण ठहरा? हमें सबको मालूम है की रावण ने घोर पाप किया था. लेकिन उसके पश्चाताप को अब ख़त्म कर देते है ना. उसे अपने नाम से मुक्ति मिल जाए काश. हाँ, कर्म ऐसा किया है की भुलाया ना जा सके. उसे तो श्री राम और उनके लोगों ने कई बार चेतावनी भी दी होगी. क्या उसे इसका एहसास हुआ होगा की वो चिरजीव वर्षो तक यूँ बद

Morning travel tale in Mumbai local

It was a cloudless morning. Everything seemed normal when I was well dressed in formals and choosing to start my day off the door from my place. Out of nowhere it started to rain in peace. There were patches of clouds that can be seen. I chose to wait in hope. Mumbai rain departs in no time. You never know. Starting early is a survival skill, else one can get stuck in crazy traffic. Peak hour was about to start. It was still raining.. After a whole 360 seconds (every minute counts), I decided to check on the Uber. Whush!! It's running on double rates. Perplexed I waited a little more. Thereafter I rolled up my sleeves and quitted my plan to ride to office. I picked up my umbrella in stuffed fear & started for the nearby local station. It's raining in force.  I reached the platform to find a crazy crowd staring at their screens and elsewhere. It seemed that the trains are running late. One unique day, huh? This is 8:30 AM. I am alresdy 30 minutes running behind. One train ca

The night jackal

 The jackal was not anything and he walked out at night, howling over the greasy dark roads, gazing towards the passing yellow street lights and the sleeping towers. What is to wonder? It didn’t matter.  The rain was not there. It stopped showering. It was the perfect timing. No one was behind and no one that he had to follow ahead. No time constraints either. What is the speed through which he slips onto the ground and race ahead. How are his sights. Is he hungry? By heart, in mind. At this wet dark hour, he will roam..  Happier still he has thoughts running for multiple days. The thoughts, huh! They are constant and hardest to conquer. The night is beautiful and his pace sets him freer all the more. What’s with this city? He wishes directions. It’s hard to understand stuffs, life. What is there to care about? It’s the plentiful seeking. He is put up inside the cave, all day long. He misses his time with the stars and he misses being irresponsible. He has grown mid-aged. He has to tak

Commute to Work

Mumbai is a said financial capital of India. It's huge and equally so the count of humans deriving their livelihood from the city. People migrate here with a dream to earn and live a better life. There are labourers, there are street vendors, and then there are corporate employees. We already understand how the rents play out in the city. At the rich cores, not everyone can afford a house. So we travel.  The other day my aunt back home was telling me how my uncle work hard and travel for 10 kilometers to his work. In Mumbai, it's peanut. I have a friend who travel 4 hours everyday to & fro office to home. Ask him, and he will swiftly tell us his routine. It's not even a big deal to him. He is habituated. He has a fix time schedule to wake up and get busy in the day. If he misses one local train, he has to calculate how much time he is gonna wait further to reach the office.  We all know people who are not so much a fan of the place for its on-the-run mode. They dont eve

4 days of no ear-entropy

Last Sunday I dipped inside a waterfall and later while trekking back from the place, I passed through a rainy forest for two hours in constant. I walked amid nature. But most often I was only watching my footstep as it was slippery. I reminded myself to stand a while and look up towards the cloudy sky, and drink the dancing green that was surrounding. Rainy season is a blessing indeed. I crossed pools of water and overflowing mini-waterfalls.. Driving back home took more 5 hours and yeah that’s it. I was home. I felt safe. I was ok. The other day I went to the office and I had a pretty long day there. I was happy & tired. But I came back to my place with a tiny stuffed ear. I mean I was feeling as if my ears are swelled. I felt like cleaning it with a earbud. I did. I cleaned well. It’s a habit to keep the ear clean. I forgot the moment and got busied in the later life. After 2 hours, when I was about to fall asleep, I had pain in the left ear. I could not sleep with it. I had t

Devkund trek & ride from Mumbai

It was a 140 Km one way ride from our place at Mumbai to the devkund trek. It was a random plan. Instead of continuing on the ride at the highway, we decided to head here. It was through the panvel, towards the Mahad that one way turns to devkund. This same place is nearer from Pune as well. A white fog was meditating over one of the hills around. Stopping out bike at the sides, we stood over a thin water brigde. The sky was cloudy, painted with a little blue shade in dilution. A river channel was below us through which a much transparent water was flowing in child-like agitation. It's nascent. Compared to the rivers in the central India, should I say that these are short lived, that they would meet their destiny earlier - The ocean... This is west India! It didn't rain all the way till now. It's the fourth week of june. The IMD had predicted that it's a surplus monsoon this year. Now there are quiet headlines about deficient comparisons. It's still the first month.