My Meteor at 2 Months, 3000 kms

It was Sunday today & I had actually skipped a ride till it became evening and the burden of it laid heavier on me. I dressed up and at the hour of departing Sun, I chose to cruise. My meter hit the 3000 kms mark today. I remember my happiness when it first touched the first 100th mark!

I seek to sum up the past two months that I had had with the meteor. This 3k mark includes two nearby Nashik Trips, a Surat trip, one to Lonavala, several Palghar touches and my regulars for the office work. Most of them were solo rides. I have been learning. It's been fun. Is riding your motorcycle a sport? I have fewer reason to deny. It is cumbersome to ride far, that too in India.

Nowadays, I am watching the biker’s videos. It is helpful to understand the trails before going on a ride and in coping up with the resistance to ride longer. From the POV of a biker inside the helmet, there is a person who while being on a ride, is thinking. He is interacting with the objects in the path. Thoughts come and go throughout the time he is riding.

I have added a leg-guard on the bike. Also, now my helmet has a front glass that covers my face. In coming days, If I would continue the ride, I will invest in the biking wearables like jacket, gloves, pant, heavier shoes. I may also buy a camera.

I had recently ridden the Triumph 400. It is more compact & my god, it has great pick up. Meteor is bossy and it picks up in the same manner. Below are few points that I noted about my meteor:

  • On the purchase: RE should have been offering the chargeable accessories along with the on-road prices as one package. I now understand how insufficient is my current helmet that is given to me along with the bike. On the above, they didn’t offer the front visor with it. Dear RE, what is this? Seems that the maarketed bike is fully a means to generate revenue.
  • No matter whoever says, your bike will be petrol-thirsty. Be mindfully prepared for 20-28 kmpl mileage based on your way of usage. 
  • Bike is heavy. I got this realised when one day it almost got toppled on my left. For the next 10 days, I had carried a scary looking bluish mark on my left leg! I wasted no more time to get the bike fitted with a leg guard.
  • It gets heated pretty good. You can not ride this wearing a short, else get burn by the volcanic silencer at your own risk. Yeah. They should have made the provision of liquid coolant on the bike. Why didn’t they? 
  • You can trust your bike. It’s your dependable companion. Be proud of having it with you. You will be able to cruise longer and get all those dream rides come true! 
  • Safety is super important. Riding this jumbo on a highway is a truly risky task. You have to be at your best all the time. There is no excuse to it. We can’t be lazy on the road.
  • You need to maintain the bike. Wash it regularly.
    • Okay, there is a big difference on getting it washed by self, on at a local shop, or at the RE service station. RE does it the best!
    • In time you will have your heart broken by seeing that avoidable dent, or that minor scratch on your bike. All of them will remind you of the look of your bike at day 1.
  • Lastly, I wish I would have bought it earliar. I love riding the meteor. It has strengthened me..



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