A ten April self

I woke up several times during the night. At 2 AM, my eyes opened to an uncomfortable sweat. I did not sweep my bedsheet. One mosquito was lurking near my arm. I killed it while using mobile torch light. This is it. I stood and switched on the tubelight. I looked at my drizzling face & drops of condensed water over my chest in the mirror. Waiting no longer, I swooped the towel and flew towards the bathroom. This is me, bathing peacefully. The water is cold. Peace kissed me steadily down my limbs, my back and I see my world changed.

Coming out, I changed my bedsheet into new. I combed as if a new day has started. Couldn't find myself sleepy, I lied down on the bed and opened the Homo Deus that I have been reading for some days. Reading it is as heavy as the number of pages it contains. Sleep came running back to me in an invisible gush. Lights remained on the rest of the night.

I woke up 830 in the morning. It's monday. I found that my manager had left a whatsapp message at 5AM in the morning. I had a glance over it and continued to grasp the day ahead. It's the month of April. The air has more moisture than the other days. That's what they talk about the summer of Mumbai. I got it. I made myself a little breakfast. I ironed my maroon shirt. Dressing up I left the room. No bathing. What! Not again.

I will take the Mumbai local today. The sun is scorching over the sky. It's the morning hour. People are flowing into the station. Men are hanging by the door of passing trains. At the platform, I let go of one of the trains and stood still to wait for another. I have spent enough time to not able to board this second train. In no time, I crammed myself through a narrow ditch of crowd, breathing, living & equally at a sense of struggle. This is it. My moment... If there is a sky, I feel loved by it.. 


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