An urban Traffic

People say Mumbai never sleep. It does. Touted as the ‘financial capital of India’, it sustains a population of more than 2 crore individuals. Where do they all live? Inside the city & at its growing outskirts. Like a living entity, the city is growing in size. Every day, new people are entering it with the hopes of earning a livelihood. They scatter themselves in parts and bits of the city based on several factors, one of which is their monthly pay.

Last some days, I have started to travel inside the city for reaching the destination of work. Yesterday, I was stuck in a traffic with my vendor. We travelled a distance of 7 kilometers in a matter of 1.5 hours. Now expand this to lakhs of people who were sighing off with me along the highway. Mumbai never stops, but it does get slowed down. After dropping me near my stop, my vendor called me in no time. He said that we know the reason of this clog. Out of all the lakhs of vehicle that traverse the road, one met with a road mishap. It must have blocked the road. 

What are the modes of transportation that Mumbaikars use? Local train is the superman of the city. It is cheap, time efficient and it takes you to every corner of the city. As the clock hits 6 PM, river of salaried employees starts to flow like a river towards the Andheri station. It keeps flowing for more than two hours. These people keep working in hides and corners, in mega rises, in chawls and in footpaths. Bus is another cheap option to reach your destination. It’s marred with the risk of traffic. Metro train is another blessing that is slowly expanding and taking control. Many people are hopeful about it. Saving time is everyone’s priority. Taking a taxi, or using one’s personal vehicle are another option. My vendor giggled while taking a hold of the steering of his SUV, ‘look, that guy sitting inside his Mercedes & us. We are all stuck here! What’s the difference?!’. 

We are futuristic generation. Sci-fi movies have bloomed our life expectations to hopeful imagination. Not too while ago, we have not imagined conducting live meeting over video calls. We will find solutions like a pro! And, as in old time kings would conquer territories, we will conquer the traffic and reach home early!



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