A conversation with..

My grand father lives in the village back at my native. Thanks to the mobile phones, I keep hearing his voice and at times, we also video call. Whenever he calls, he talks in louder empathetic voice. He is always excited to talk. Doctor has advised him to keep away from the phones. There is something with his heart. Our conversation would be small. He would quickly enquire about my work & good health. He would ask if everything is 'truly' alright! Back some time when I had to quit job for pursuing studies, he would sneak peek to ask, if I need financial support. He would say to not to hesitate with him and be frank. There is nothing like those lines. It would bring cheers to me.

Anyway, our native is at the central of India. It comes under the state of Madhya Pradesh. Unlike the part of India where I am living, it is comparatively much lesser developed. There are socio economic issues, marred with the growing environmental factors.

I have a vivid memory of my childhood days when it would rain heavy and plenty. Not too long ago, I have experienced the sight of greenery, the music of roaring clouds and the smell of drenched soil. The rain would start somewhere in the late mid of June and would continue towards the next three-four months. The situation seems to have changed. The water level in the area is fastly moving downwards. Farmers and villagers stare at the literal and continual graving aspect of water scarcity.

Today, my grand father was a little sad. His voice was dragging. He said that the electricity pole in the area got damaged because of a mishap. Some 9-10 cattles fell prey to it and died. He said that there is no electricity in the village since the noon time. He said that today he could see some clouds over the sky and he is in hopeful suspense that it may rain today. He said that the rivers are drying up and there is no water in the well. Although it's the season of monsoon arrival, there isn't enough humidity in the air to cause it to rain. Some days back there was a first timid spell, that's it! He said that we manage to get drinking water from the borewell of a neighbor.

When I listen from the people at native, they root the cause of delayed rain to the growing factor of air pollution in the area. Our land is a rich source of limestone and other minerals. A number of factories have now beamed in the area. I feel that water conservation measures need to be started in the region. Besides, there is a need of a comprehensive study of the effect of external factors on the environment.

Grand father is a jolly old fellow. He is an optimist and has seen several ups and downs in his life. But we live in 2022, a pretty modern era. I hope that things start getting better in all places. After getting his blessings, we disconnected the call.



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