Lily, the shopkeeper's cat..

Her name is lily. She has brown strips and like most cats, she is cute. She comes here at her own will. She sits at the spot and look at the passing crowd of buyers and strangers. It's a fun watch. She enjoys the human circus. She also likes to listen to the ladies' talk, yet we do not know if she understands what they are murmuring.

When she is hungry, she just has to meow in a cute little voice, and voila! Human's heart melt to this and they arrange something for her! They feed her. They also caress her fur and it makes her feel comfortable. Some of the street dogs envy her!

Anyway, that's not it. Her presence is soothing to the lady keepers. They always have something to express their love. Customers like me stop to take a picture of her & rejoice at her curious look. She doesn't care much. She knows all about social media. Some of her friends are already in the Instagram. Their owners are over-possessing of them. Unlike lily, they are kept indoor.

Lily is one year old. She loves independence. She is daring. She loves to fall asleep at the afternoon. She doesn't have to save money for maintaining her family. She can wander anywhere. Night is when she explores newer places. She is an adventurer. But she also has to be careful. There are also bad people in the world. When she gets bored of of humans, she retires back to the lonely pavements, or some other secret cozy place...


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