A cloud-fit day

You see, it's not a lot that is happening nowadays, and since the past that Radhe have known myself. It's pretty much a plain day. Most days he does not even reconcile when it started and when it came to an end. Yeah, some nights are hard to pass. But it's because of the hot weather, and may be because of the noise at times. He does wake up in the mid night recouping from the shock of a peculiar dream, or, the longing for an old song. 

Today is different. Radhe has woken up early. He has had a good sleep. The weather is rainy. The clouds are heavy and dark. As he sits beside the window, he could see the play of the changing colors. The mild cold air along with the chirps of few birds here and there, is making him feel alive. He is alive, right? He is. He is feeling it today.

As Radhe peeks more from the window, he expects more from this fast dissipating morning. It's not everyday that it is like that here. The weather is talking and he could hear its deep breath. But he wants to hear more. He is not yet ready for the sun to start bossing around. These dark clouds are his friends. They assure him something. May be, they resemble power..

It seems that it's okay to have a boring unhappening life. May be, let us not be misled from the fake-ism of the 'fast-going ever-happy' social media platforms. Cheers, even if we don't want to change the world! Cheers, even if we don't have loads of money, or new house, or a new car! Cheers, even if we haven't gone on a hefty vacation!

It's a day that Radhe could write a happy vibe. It's a day that he could tell the world, "look, I too am happy!" Should he take a selfie (as happy ppl do)?

Dear Clouds, pour heavy. 


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