Freeman's dream

 "I promise that once this is all over, once I am out of this cycle that I have committed to pedal, I will be free, and mobile, and worriless, like those early June dark rainy clouds... Unstoppable, wanderer", he sobbed with two dry eyes.

You see. You have been saying this for a very long time. It's very long and there have been so many promises and I am all tired to listen about it. It's so dreamy and yet, I am not unsure if I believe you. Your passion is something I do not comprehend.

He looked upwards and said, "I know... right... I know. But this is gonna end and I am gonna be free. I don't know whether will I complete the task and reach the summit, but I will be free. I will take the dive as and when, very soon. I promise..".

Do you even listen to yourself, how desperate do you sound? You are like those broken pieces of glass, shredded on the ground, each piece reflecting pain.

Without a pause, he replied, "I am desperate and yes, I'm falling apart... Still... Something keeps me going. I have too much trust in myself. And it doesn't feel as if I am any older. I am just as young as far as I remember. I am strong and I am torn, but I.."

I don't get you. But I can feel you. I don't know why.

He smiled with, "hmm."

What about your aging body and what about the vitality of your dreams when... When it didn't happen in the time that you sought. Do you even think about it? How does it feel?

With a slight sadness, "I do. And... It's actually piling up. Old ones and the new ones and there are so many now. And this sweet solitude that has dawned upon me, it's not ending. I have come to befriend it and it has befriended me back. I am afraid that.. that when it's time, I may be at a blast... It's a survival risk... You see..? I may not be what I had wanted to be... Umm.."

Ya. I lend you my hardcore wishes.

Lowering his vision, he uttered, "thanks"

**Then we both looked at the sun which was setting behind the mighty old mountain range, taking away all its heat, and hollowing the sky with its shine, leaving behind the darkness. It was beautiful, deeply spiritual, strange, and scary**

Almost unnerved, he said, "Hey.. don't worry... This sun will rise tomorrow... Look, from that direction... Yes.."

You feel me ya?


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