Education Dynamics

No wonder that COVID-19 has pulled the strings of almost everything in the world. There have been lockdowns and social distancing to prevent the spread of the virus. We are fast transitioning from a phase that will permanently change the society. This critical phase has also provided a much needed time to introspect on our lifestyles and our need to collaborate with one another.

Yesterday, I had a discussion with Dhaneshwar on the changing dynamics of the education system. Dhaneshwar is a 21st century teacher. He is by all means a teacher of contemporary times. Aside from the regular class teachings to the students during the pre-COVID times, he is now waging into the digital field to reach the students. Talking with him, I realized how much the job of teaching has changed. He has to be multi-talented to understand the marketing, digital dynamics, a photographer – so on and so forth. Those who would not understand and adapt to the disruptions are bound to struggle.

Dhaneshwar has launched his own YouTube channel, a mobile application to connect directly with the students. He is also working on his new website. He is creating his own content and improvising it regularly. Students are sending him the solved assignments daily which he has to download, evaluate, and send them back along with the remarks. All this has to be done in a certain timeframe. He has been growing as an expert to present himself online. Our way of presentation will no doubt would attract the students. To cope with it, he is making efficient use of technology by investing in it and buying equipments to enhance his performance. While he remains at home, he has allotted himself a room and has made a set up for himself to work, toil & rise. This is quite fascinating!

The most important of all is that the students could now embrace the best of the best talent from the market. These are not the times when they have to cry out for the absence of efficient and knowledgeable teachers in the home town. There is a plethora of good material online, available free of cost. It will also be able to cover the laboratory gaps as there are several recorded animations and live tests. All these will increase the comprehension level of the students. It is also true that not all of them will have the luxury of purchasing a laptop, or android mobile, or a 24*7 incessant network. And if they have it all, they may still be missing on the availability of suitable studying space in the home. The grass is definitely less green on both sides. But hey, it will rain!

At last, let us wish good luck to Dhaneshwar and his likes along with the students who are vying for it! Let gratefulness prevail.


  1. Wonderful keep it up
    I had studied from Dhaneshwar sir and as per me he is the best teacher I got in my life


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