Horizon COVID19

27 Mar 20

The news agencies and the social media contents are full with the virus outbreak – the COVID19. The cities and towns are being locked down. One by one the countries are slowly wakening from the denial mode to actions. China, after almost a period of three months, has been reported to putting a halt to the spread of the deadly virus.  It showed its metal in taking strong decisions and the capability of the healthcare system in place. The country in focus is Italy which sadly reported a high fatality and stands at the farthest end of having lost several lives. The United States has suddenly seen a large spike in  the numbers of the affected people. The country, although late, have come into swift action. The US has already announced a relief package of 2.2 Trillion USD for the country mates in these troubling times. It stands at becoming the next epicenter of the outbreak with the number of infections already crossing 1 lakh figure. Spain has lost the second most number of lives after Italy. There are several news of dignitaries having tested positive with the virus, such as  the Britain PM Boris Johnson! Brazilian story is totally off the mark. President Bolsonaro has denied lock down of the country. The virus has spread to most of the countries far across the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean to the Pacific.

India has officially reported close to 900 positive cases. The number is on a slow rise. From 23nd of the March, the country has been under lockdown for 21 days. There is uncertainty about how this will roll out. There is a lot that will decide the future of the country in these 21 days lockdown. The economic situation of the country was in doldrums even before it. The administration across the country is fighting hard to keep people indoor and ensuring the supplies of the essential items. No doubt, the most affected are the most vulnerable ones which include the daily wage earners and the casual workers. These 21 days lockdown may be holidays for the top middle class and the upper class of the population who can spend their time doing several activities easily available to them and never being hungry! The bottom 40% of the population is grappling with dark hours and worries. Several of the migrant workers are moving by foot to their home state along with their families and so many of them are carrying children along with them. The Rabi crop is ready to be harvested. The emotional stress being faced by our farmers is unimaginable. This is rather saddening.

Good measures has been taken by the administration, such as demarcating the lines and circles outside the groceries and the Police regularly putting a close watch of the locality and distributing foods to the needy. People are sensitive about the pandemic and taking to social media platforms for appealing others people to stay at home. In many places, the precautions are flouted by some people. Since the level of awareness is different among the people based on their understanding by virtue of their privilege, there is less point in feeling angry towards those less aware. The worst of the times are even the best of the times for the creative creature inside to shed the light and lead. The plight of the vulnerable people is hopefully understood as the government of India has rolled out a hefty package of 1.7 Lakh Crore package relief. This will cover a large section of them. Still the wounds from the impact will cast a long shadow. The small businesses may fall into trouble. The banking system may become severely stressed.

The pandemic is a once in a while moment for every one of us. These are such events that change the course of the countries and the discourse among the intellects in the socio-economic-political sphere. The cracks of the leaking health care system and the poor literacy rates are open wide. Doctors and academicians had been vying for the demand of proper  infrastructure facilities for a long time. People’s response to the pandemic with some taking it casually and those who are opting for invalid sources of cure such as cow urine is a telling thesis. As the line goes, ‘It is time for…’, it is indeed the time that the priorities of the country should be inclusive, cooperative and development-oriented which must take into the picture the most important of all, ‘Mother Nature’. Peace. Amen.


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