
Showing posts from November, 2019

यात्रा मैहर की

हज़रत निजामुद्दीन स्टेशन दिल्ली से मैहर की ट्रेन जैसे तैसे पकड़ लिए. होशियारी में ज्यादा देर हो गयी. ट्रेन प्लेटफार्म पर लगी हुई थी. पाँच मिनट की देरी से ज़मीन खिसकने ही वाला था. धन्य हो मेट्रो जी का, समय से पहुंचवा दिए. कुछ देर तक धुकधुकी लगी ही हुई थी. मेट्रो से उतरते ही मिल्खा सिंह बन गए थे. दौड़ते दौड़ते दिमाग में पी.एम. 2.5 कणो की बराबर याद आती रही जो की हवा में तैर रहे थे. कोम्प्रोमाईज़ किया और क़दमों की रफ़्तार वही रखी. अब्दुल्ला दीवाना बनके दूसरी ट्रेन में घिस घिस के नही जाना था. धुले हुए जीन्स और कमीज पहने थे. बाल बाल बचे. हाफते हाफते प्लेटफार्म पहुंचे. प्लेटफार्म में साल भर से काम ही चल रहा है. खैर. मुँह सूखा जा रहा था तो पानी की बोतल ले ली. सोचें थे की समय से पहुंच कर खिड़की के पास बैठेंगे. बर्थ तो लोअर थी लेकिन ऐसा कोई कानून नही है की लोअर बर्थ वालों को खिड़की की ताज़पोशी होती है. कक्ष में पहुंचे तो देखे की पहले से राज गद्दी हड़पी जा चुकी थी. सपने चूर हो गए. 'आगे उतर जायेंगे' वाले यात्री हक़ से हक़ जता रहे थे. ये बता देने पर की एक सीट हमारी रिज़र्व है उन्होंने ही दया फरमायी ...

दिल्ली दरबार

और दिन की अपेक्षा आज शहर जनाई पड़ता है. आसमान साफ है. हल्का नीला है. हवा ठंडगर है. वातावरण खुला है. कुछ त्यौहार जैसा लगता है. है तो बस एक आम दिन लेकिन धुएँ की चपेट से मुक्त है. उजाला है, काली परत नही. शहर आज रविवार का आनंद ले रहा है. सफाई कर्मचारी जो की सुबह पाँच बजे से ही रास्तों में फैले कचरे को ठठोलने लगते है, आज छुट्टी पे लगते है. समझ में आता है की वे ना हो तो क्या होगा. रोड उजड़ी और अपाहिज लगती है जैसे कोई भूखा निर्धन व्यक्ति दूसरे पे आश्रित होता है खुद की जरूरतो के लिए, कुछ वैसे ही है सडक आज. इधर उधर फैले कचरे के ढेर उनकी ही राह देखते है. बाकियों से उन्हें कोई उम्मीद नही. सच पूछो तो ये शहर की रूह छिंद छिंद हो रखी है प्रदूषण से. साफ हवा प्रकृति का अधिकार है, मानव का बाद में. इसके बिना इसकी सज्जा पे प्रहार हो जाता है, बिन बताये बिन बुलाये शहर के सौंदर्य को बुढ़ापा चढ़ जाता है. अन्य जगहों पे प्रकृति के अछूते रूपो को देख यही मालूम होता है की वो विविधता को ललायत है. इस धुएं भरे वातावरण में पंछी नदिया सभी ही दूषित है. ये ईक्कीसवी शताब्दी ही है... बाज़ार वैसे ही चल रहा है. लोग उसी गति स...

Green Celebration

As time is passing by, as modernity is slowly creeping from the text to the context, as the meanings of all the forms of object and subject is varying, we are here, advancing, observing the change, a bit powerless, a bit in ignorance, a bit of contributor and a bit of a celebrator. What is celebration? Why do we celebrate? What do we celebrate? We celebrate birth and death anniversaries. We celebrate birthdays. We celebrate marriages. We celebrate successes and at times failures. Celebration is the booster and the catalytic agent that all of us need, else what is left is mourning and to remain neutral… It is interesting how we copy each other and celebrate our things the way others. That's maybe socialization. The case in point is the one related to the use of sound. The louder it is, the happier we are and the worst it is for the non-celebrators! There will be DJs, crackers bursting, loudspeakers to prove that we are indeed celebrating and so happy. Is it the truth? I wonder an...

Tweet Tweet

Social media is a parallel world. There is not only a kind of categorization that exists within the frame of each one of them but they all perform differently as well. Not everyone is using different platforms with the same capacity and the same motive. Obviously, the basic idea should be to connect with the world, to get a sense of connectivity with actual people in a fast disintegrating digital world. Twitter is a quickly emerging for the so-called intelligentsia group who seem to have some kind of opinion for just anything under the sky. They should probably be called the elitist of the country. Every other people are fighting under the shade of some motive, following some ideology. People are there who listen to speak and not to learn and imbibe. More so, it has become a source of fragmentation, religious ideologues have capitalized it, politicians have mastered it, while at the same time the common man is left with a state of confusion only tweeting their disregard which someho...

Honor Killing in India

India is indeed a complex country deeply woven with the wires of caste, class and Varna system. It has a tight social fabric that is taking it slowly to flex with the changing demands of modernity. It is unsure and rather playful to watch how the saga unfolds. In different regions of the country, it has been reshaping due to the effects of globalization and urbanization in India. More numbers of youths are able to migrate to a different place than their home town in search of degrees and job opportunities. It is impossible to remain rigid within the caste molds while living in Urban India. Those who do not flex are seen with a skeptic eye and should be. For this long-time exposure and mingling with different groups we come to the realization of the vague boundary standing before us. These boundaries are illusionary and archaic. It may be having its significance in the past, not today, not at all. The laws of the country are supporting modern ideas of equality and liberty. Various ...

Delhi Pollution

For the last 3-4 years, the news headlines are flashing with the terrible state of the air pollution in the Delhi and NCR region. The contributors are the millions of tons of stubble burning from the North-Western states, vehicular pollution, industries, construction activities, etc. The Air quality specifically takes a hit during the winter season. It is due to the physiology of Delhi which is saucer-shaped and as well the stagnant surface wind. The SAFAR model which measures the Air Quality Index even surpassed its measuring scale and the index was well beyond its limit. Taking this into the cognizance a Public Health Emergency is declared in Delhi by the Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority. While most of the politicians remained tight-lipped to comment on the situation, social media platforms are filled with apathy. At the same time, there was an increase in the respiratory-related illnesses reported at the capital. The city remained under a deep cover ...

Tis Hazari Police Vs Advocate

It is probably the theme created out of the movies based on the macho profiling of the Police officers on duty that what we are observing in the Tis Hazari court conflict between the advocates and the police officers is seeming out of context and unbelievable. The sights of the police officers asking for justice and sitting on the ground staging protest, shouting slogans is rare of the rarest scenario. What started from a petty fight had turned into a full blown conflict. The story needs to be looked inside out and whatsoever committee is going to look into the matter should consider both sides’ views equally. Both the groups are the arms of the governance in the country, yet both of them share a piece of blame for the sorry state of their stature. We could not think of our work getting done without flashing money on to them. While police reforms are something age old, there is a shortage of judiciary workforce in the country. Now that something bizarre like situation is before ...