
Showing posts from April, 2019

Elections - an opportunity

With yet another Loksabha election in the world’s largest democracy passing by, India may have lost a golden opportunity to wage front-end war against all the evils of the society. A country of 900 million electors among the 1.3 crore population and more than 10.38 Lakh polling stations, it was a costly business, a festival of democracy with a unique touch of India. Sadly, it is ending up further dividing the society into caste, class & religious terms as many so-called visionary leaders reverberated multiple times the terms like Dalit, Hindu, Muslim, Middle Class, and lower Class and so on for their own benefit. People became conscious of their allotted identity. It was once in a five year an opportunity which could egregiously be used for boosting the social indicators and aware people of the various shortcomings like water deficiency, climate change, the role of education, women upliftment, prejudices and so on which India is in dire need of; as well for providing for the gre...

What privatization is doing in India?

With the government’s push for the privatization of the economy, there is a new wave of exploitation of the common people. There is almost no focus on the increasing level of unethical practices that these private companies are embarking to achieve their so-called monthly and yearly targets. Targets are passed forcefully from the executive heads towards the bottom level executive who interacts with the customers. The sorry state of the customer services and the gundaraaz attitude of the executives to dictate at the less aware customer is something that demands accountability. More so, there is a severe lack of transparency. I will quote the example of the multinational Vodafone, which recently merged with the Idea, after the surgical strike of Jio in the Indian market. One thing which is noteworthy is that before the advent of the telecommunication services of Jio, the various other companies used to charge extraordinary amounts for the petty data services they used to provide....

Public Toilet says

Hello public! You may not recognise me, but I do. I see you pass before me, mostly turning the face away and clipping your nose. Although I understand this gesture, I feel bad about it. You see, I am the one available to you when you need me the most. I thereby save you from public shaming. How can this be not reciprocated? Why am I left alone to rot in disdain? It's you who move on in your life relieved, and I on the other hand, become a source of innumerable diseases. It makes me feel dirty and I kind of lose my dignity. People who use me, also do not care for my walls and they leave spitting on it. I want regular maintenance! You heard me right! Next time do demand to include me in your planning, your budget, election manifestos, fb posts, twitter debates and lastly I need a selfie with you :p... okay I will do without it... I thus plead to you to think about me and save me from this apathy. My damaged parts, blocked drains, stinking aroma  shouts that I should have a clea...

Day of days

His phone is filled up with people he hardly calls now. All formal knowings. He craved for solidarity but it was nowhere. He was alone still calm. He was alone in his bed, with himself. He picked up his phone and started to select contacts one by one. Only a quarter remained after which he comfortably pressed delete and in an instant, these dummies were out of his life.  He was off today, inactive, a kind of restart he wanted for a long time. He laid in bed thoughtless. He listened to all the songs he wanted to listen, one after another, dipping into each and cherishing the memories attached to it, if any. He listened to the lyrics and started to the ceiling, at ease and giving no regards to time. It is as if today the saga of time won't hurt him. Today when time passed, he laughed at it. He overpowered the time today. When he was saturated, it was already near noon. He decided to walk down the road, like a stranger, like the most common man. He was ready in an instant an...

The Kachrawala

Does Right to Untouchability also apply to condemn the street dogs who group together to bark at the passing waste collector-kachrawala wearing torn soiled cloths? But then these street dogs have a mind conditioning to bark at him. They find this guy in apathy to be an infiltrator. Simply speaking, these dogs judge him from his outlook! They all group together and monitor him throughout the street. Wherever he stops, he is disgraced and the fellow humans watch all this in utter disregard. For a moment they understand that it's wrong, but they move on! So at one end there is a group of humans as spectators, at other end the group of dogs who are the voluntary guards and the marked infiltrator still manage to pick some waste from here and there. He also moves on. He is also conditioned with all this. It is a daily thing for him. Waste pickers is a blessing in disguise; he is at least unburdening the streets from waste created by fellow humans. There are no rights to him...

अंकल केयरटेकर

खेतन जब सोने ही वाला था की उसके फ़ोन की घंटी बज गयी. रात के एक बजे, उसने अपने स्क्रीन को देखा तो केयरटेकर का नाम दिख पड़ा. उसे लगा की दिन भर घर में ना रहने से उससे किराया लेने आयी होगी. लेकिन रात एक बजे? उसने फ़ोन उठाया तो बबली ने बोला, 'भैया एक मिनट दरवाजा खोलो'. खेतन पलंग से उठा, बत्ती जलाई और कुर्सी में बेहोस टीशर्ट को उठाकर जल्दी में उल्टा ही पेहेन लिया. आँखें ठीक से नही खुली थी अभी. 'नही भैया पैसे नही, वो मेरे पापा की तबियत खराब हो रही है, थोड़ा ऊपर आना', बबली ने बोला. खेतन दूसरे माले में रहता था. उसने पिछले पांच महीने बिता दिए रहते हुए, लेकिन अपनी माले से ऊपर एक सीढ़ी भी उसने नही चढ़ी थी. दोनों जल्दी में ऊपर गए.  मौसम बावला हुआ पड़ा था. अख़बार में पढ़ा था की पश्चिम की हवाएं बौखलाइ हुई है और बादलो को एक जुट किये शहर को आने वाली गर्मी से बचा रही है. दो माले की सीढ़ी लाँघने के बाद छत आयी. छत हलकी गीली थी और उसने जैसे ही पैर बाहर रखा तो महसूस किया की ठण्ड हवा नाच रही है. लेकिन बबली रहती कहा है? थोड़ा आगे गया तो एक छोटा सा कमरा था, हरा रंग पुता हुआ था. कमरे में एक...

Jallianwala Bagh 100th Year

It is said that Britishers lost Indian consciousness this day 100 years back. On its hundredth year, it was expected that Britain would formally apologize for the act. They, however, stick to a milder term, ‘regret’. Hundreds of unarmed people including children and women were shot. It was a Baishakhi day. A day of merry brutally turned to the one of sorrow. The day marked 13 April 1919 for Indian history. Rowlatt Act was a seditious law against which there were protests and people were asking for civil liberties, press freedom, lessened Police raj and so on, in a nutshell, more real freedom. As Tagore said, 'where the mind is without fear and head is held high...’ life to live with dignity. It was the time near the end of World War 1 and many Indian soldiers died helping Imperial Britain. It was expected that reforms will come, however, Britishers ditched Indians and cruelly took a U-turn. Many Indians thus felt betrayed and more so because of the suppressing Rowlett Act. ...

लोकतंत्र और भारत

लोकसभा चुनाव एक प्रत्यक्ष तरीका है जिसमें सारे देश वासी केंद्र की सरकार चुनते है. चुनाव में अपनाये मापदंड ये निर्धारित करते है और अंकित भी करते है की लोकतंत्र कितना काबिल है और कितना पाक है. सालों से जनता तक अपनी बात पहुंचाने का तरीका बदला है. सोशल मीडिया के जरिये लोगों तक पहुंचना आसान और किफायती भी हुआ है. अब किसी रैली में कोई प्रत्याशी भाषण देता है तो सारे देश भर में लोग उसे सुन सकते है. इससे दोगलेपन की बीमारी का इलाज थोड़ा मुमकिन हुआ है और जबावदेही बढ़ी है. हालांकि गंभीर बात ये है की इस प्लेटफार्म का उपयोग गलत समाचार और हेट स्पीच परोसने के लिए भी धड़ल्ले से किया जा रहा है. चुनाव एक ऐसा समय भी है जिसमें जनता और-दिन के अपेक्षा राजनीती को लेकर जुझारू रहती है. ऐसे में ये एक स्वर्णिम समय भी हो सकता है जब आम जनता, पार्टियाँ और प्रत्याशी देश की समस्याओं पे प्रकाश डालें, और आगे बढ़ने के रास्ते खोजे जाए.  ऐसे समय में बातें ज्यादा लोगों के पास पहुंचेगी. चुनावी मुद्दा और मैनिफेस्टो इसलिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है. भारत की राजनीती विकसित हुई है. इसके बावजूद भी कई पदार्थ ऐसे है जो निरंतर खिलवाड़...