Elections - an opportunity
With yet another Loksabha election in the world’s largest democracy passing by, India may have lost a golden opportunity to wage front-end war against all the evils of the society. A country of 900 million electors among the 1.3 crore population and more than 10.38 Lakh polling stations, it was a costly business, a festival of democracy with a unique touch of India. Sadly, it is ending up further dividing the society into caste, class & religious terms as many so-called visionary leaders reverberated multiple times the terms like Dalit, Hindu, Muslim, Middle Class, and lower Class and so on for their own benefit. People became conscious of their allotted identity. It was once in a five year an opportunity which could egregiously be used for boosting the social indicators and aware people of the various shortcomings like water deficiency, climate change, the role of education, women upliftment, prejudices and so on which India is in dire need of; as well for providing for the gre...