
Showing posts from March, 2019

Skill India

Skill, right now proclaimed by the state is a shabby idea, probably lay its similarity from the conservation of environment. Like the extinct in the wild species are breeded in isolation and again left in the same polluted environment for dying, it is same for skill India program. Skill is an intinsic value acquired by any species with long term life long exposure of the environment around him, of people and culture, of politico-socio-economic. Skill is not a downloadable software to be installed in humans. A person observes others, learn from words and deeds, then he mimics it, do mistakes, understand and evolve, many times innovate. Skill India is as much shabby as much as Conservation of environment under the carpet of lies. Instead of focussing on the short term querks, we need to focus on developing a conducive environment for automatic growth. We need to see what the children are taking from us. It is thus necessary that moral training supplemented with science and technology a...

Finding answers

I think there is colonization of pseudo intellectuals   at the upper classes. They are the one premature beings who get media attention because they shine of their passed-down inherited money, flaunt the most of luxury and attract public at large. They get to set agenda for the rest of poors and middle class. How to deal with this colonization cum capitalism? How to ensure that the burgeoning hard working middle class do not suffer, yet get a voice and ears and eyes to listen? How to set the right agenda? What is the right agenda? Is it health, education, poverty, hunger, inclusive growth or is it 'what this upper class think when they are in bathtubs, what do film star eat in their second shift of breakfast, what breed of dog they have and so on..'? How to ensure equity? How to ensure minimum wages, work life balance, food and water for all, clean air without employing costly air purifiers to all? How to save humans in becoming a pet under a capitalist? If life is short and...

Sanitation Workers

Manual Scavenging is a prevalent job in India. Even with the backwardness of the job, it has not been restricted to rural areas. Nearly all the urban areas are illegally taking manual work from the lowest section of society. It is contrary to India’s economic development, which has time and again told us the brimming inequality in the society and the eccentric development in India. I don’t think that it is just the government which has to be seen in the doing picture. In fact, it forms a very small fraction of the population and it is dealing with the administrative challenges which are day by day becoming a mammoth task. Maybe instead of criticizing the politician for everything or the executive head, we need to ask us a simple question, what are our contribution? Isn’t it that democracy is to the people, for the people and yes, by the people? Does democracy by the people only take into consideration the part pleading and criticizing takes place? It has to be more than that and in t...

Newzealand's take

For many reasons the handling of the situation aftermath of New Zealand’s recent racial attack set examples for all the countries out there. First, as the NZ’s PM quoted in her parliament, “… the believers in their mutual kindness, compassion, and sympathy are just like one body. When any part of the body suffers, the whole body feels pain”…”New Zealand mourns with you”. How she projected all the 50 million people of NZ forming a strong community with no religion bounds, a multi-cultural yet a tolerant and sensitive society. In contrast to the world where religion and race are increasingly been seen as a way of looking at their country and making policy, election manifesto, fighting elections, giving reservations, it might be the time to reflect on this. Step on the crack and it will deepen. Leave it to nature, ignored and it will be filled peacefully. I think we are deliberately stepping on the crack; crack of self-made divisions. As a compulsion for more likes and a journalist ...

लोकतंत्र जोड़-तोड़

पिछले साल दिसंबर में मेघालय की एक कोयले की खान में पंद्रह लोग फस के मर गए. करीब तीन महीने तक उनके शरीर को तलाशा गया और कुछ ही बाहर निकाल पाए गए. बाद में ऑपरेशन रद्द हुआ और बाकियों को वही छोड़ दिया गया. कारण यह की उन्हें निकाल पाना बस के बाहर हो गया. ये खदाने रैट-होल के नाम से प्रसिद्द है. 2015 में एन.जी.टी. संस्था ने इन खदानों में प्रतिबन्ध लगाया था क्युकी इसके कई कारण थे. जैसे की आस पास के जल श्रोतों को नुक्सान हो रहा था और वे प्रदूषित हो रहे थे. जिस तरीके से यहाँ कोयला निकाला जाता था वे अमानवीय था. ऐसा नहीं की यहाँ पहली बार लोग फस के मरे, ऐसे हादसे होते रहते है, बस इस बार थोड़ा मीडिया में आ गया. हो कुछ भी, ये खदाने गैरकानूनी ढंग से चालू है. जो मर गए उनके घर वालों को एक लाख का मुआबजा देकर कंधे से झटखार दिया गया. अभी पिछले महीने असम में करीब 150 चाय बागान के मजदूर नशीली शराब पी के मर गए. जी हां 150. अब भूला दिए गए. चर्चा में नहीं है. इनका चर्चा में होना मायने नहीं रखता. ऐसे ही छोटे बड़े कई घटना क्रम होते रहते है जिसमे कई मजदूर और गरीब बस मर जाते है और उन्हें भुला दिया जाता है जैसे की ...

Democracy check

Nehru's speech on the first midnight of independent India always gives goosebumps. The words are less heavy and more penetrative. "Long years ago, we made a tryst with destiny... At the stroke of the midnight when the world sleeps, India will wake to life and freedom..." Even now when I am typing, a wave passed through me. 'Life and freedom' he said. Was India dead before? What is freedom? After more than 7 decades, sometimes we wonder how much life and freedom do we enjoy collectively. Have we seen inclusive development among all classes? Does caste still matter? What about the top 5% richly class which owns more than half of India's national income? What about those who still discharge outside because of the lack of proper sanitation? Before 2014, this number was more than 50%. What about the world's one-third hungry population that lives in India? There are so many questions and a lesser number of answers. We saled through all these years as if we wer...

मरता मैहर?

कल जब बाबूजी ने बताया की बोरिंग में एक बूँद पानी नही आ रहा है, तो इसमें कुछ चौकने वाली बात नही लगी. मैहर शहर कभी हरियाली भरा था, चारो तरफ पेड़ पौधे थे. आज समय के गुजरने के साथ, इस शहर की हालत बदतर हो गयी है. शहर के भीतर के जो तालाब है वो सूखे हुए है. इसके बाद तीन सीमेंट फैक्ट्री शहर के बगल में मुँह खोले बैठी हुई है. सवाल ये है की आने वाली गर्मी के मौसम से बचने हेतु क्या कार्य किये गए है? अगर शहर के तालाब सूख गए है तो इनसे इस तरह मुँह क्यू मोडा गया और संरक्षण के कार्य क्यू नही किये गए? वायु प्रदुषण की समस्या ज्यो की त्यों क्यू है? सरकार की एयर मॉनिटरिंग रिपोर्ट के अनुसार जो वायु की स्थिति है वे तीसरे कगार पर है. इससे चलते लोगों को सास लेने में तकलीफ होगी, अस्थमा और ह्रदय सम्बन्धी बीमारियों का सामना करना पड़ेगा. यदि तीन फैक्टरी चालू है तो इससे निकलने वाला प्रदुषण को कम करने के लिए क्या उपचार किये गए? मैहर की हरियाली क्यू मरती जा रही है? क्या ये फ़ैक्टरिया सिर्फ रोज़गार का साधन मात्र है? यहाँ के धरती में होने वाले लाइमस्टोन को बेचके पैसा छापना ही इनका काम है? जल जंगल ज़मीन को जो निरंतर हानि प...

Lil fever

Day before yesterday, the weather turned wet. Whole day I remained inside the room. Then I had to have food at night. It was already late. Maybe near ten. I was in hurry, all well tho. Only when I stepped outside the gate, I realized that it was showering. There were pools on the road. It was unusually dark and bit quite. Most street vendors had left. Some were packing up. They usually stand until eleven. I think they are robot. They work from eight in the morning. And I don't see regret in their faces.  It was the first of March. This year's two months had already passed. Remembering the last night, when it was still February, I decided to step outside the gate, unarmed with winter sheets and any water cover. The drops started to hit my head. Soon I was shivering. I still walked, thinking that it's ok. I thought I could do with this. I thought it's trivial and I have had more before. Next day only, I got weakness, mild fever. I was proud that I had an unharme...