Late night

He said everything is okay. The full moon above the 3-storey dilapidated building - what if it fell on the building? The colorful twinkling frill attached to the top floor like a crown. Sky is all black today. I have not seen a stars for a long time. The contrast of the street lights and the actual empty streets. What are these holding onto? It it so yellow. The transformer wire lines confused and mingling with each other racing through the city carrying electric current brought from miles away. How are they empowering so many people? Isn't it amazing? Gone are old days of candle and chimneys at least in the urban world. The late night sound of televisions and people chattering inside the buildings at their miniatured and conditioned rooms. The burgeoning population have compelled so many people to live closeby, to form communities, to co-operate, to tolerate diverse views and accomodate oneself with regular disruptions and at times revert against the unjustness. Cold wind ou...