
Showing posts from November, 2018

Late night

He said everything is okay. The full moon above the 3-storey dilapidated building - what if it fell on the building? The colorful twinkling frill attached to the top floor like a crown. Sky is all black today. I have not seen a stars for a long time. The contrast of the street lights and the actual empty streets. What are these holding onto? It it so yellow. The transformer wire lines confused and mingling with each other racing through the city carrying electric current brought from miles away. How are they empowering so many people? Isn't it amazing? Gone are old days of candle and chimneys at least in the urban world. The late night sound of televisions and people chattering inside the buildings at their miniatured and conditioned rooms. The burgeoning population have compelled so many people to live closeby, to form communities, to co-operate, to tolerate diverse views and accomodate oneself with regular disruptions and at times revert against the unjustness. Cold wind ou...


He wore a clean & shining white shirt and black trouser. His hair was combed. He wore shoes. I wondered if he really owns this auto. He was more presentable than any other auto driver I had ever seen. I put my luggage and sat. He seemed nice and we got in conversation. Later I got to know that his son is in US doing job in a corporate. He had done Hotel Management from a reputed institute and was working at Taj Hotel some years back. He had worked at Hotel Oberoi as well. He was calm and sounding genuine. My curiosity asked him why is he running an auto even after the privileges of so many skills. He told me that one incident changed his entire life. It was 26/11. When it happened, he was there at Hotel Taj, Mumbai. His friends who was close to him, with whom he was intimate, was killed in front of his eyes and for three days he remained under table of the bar of the hotel with all pool of blood around. He only drank water, no food, only gunshots could be heard. Soon, there...

His village

It was getting difficult to come back to this place. Whenever he was there in his hometown, he used to come here, to his village situated at the vicinity of the town, to save and make more intimate moments here, before this place loses its significance, before the people who make this place with their physical presence and constant benevolence, would depart someday leaving the place aghast, drought and seeping with memories from every corner. It is important to catch his legacy. It is important to know how it feels in this place. It is thus important for him to come here not just for the reason to save moments but also to recollect himself and relaunch afresh in one piece like a sprout from its root. Time is crucial. People are crucial. Roots are crucial. But his village is dying a slow death. His village is taking last breathe and somewhere in his mind, in his soul he knows he is worried. He knows that the river in the village which used to flow indefinitely is now dying for i...

Human again

That crooked person used to live here in these chemically colorful and smog-filled streets. There were others who are slowly turning into just like him. He was the first and behind him was the unending queue. He was poor and had no clothes to wear except the torn & dirty he was wearing. He smelled of garbage. He used to search for food in the generated waste thrown off the street of this locality. He grew desperate every time he saw left food on the street. There was competition between him and the stray dogs to get that piece. He was always thirsty and whenever he drank it was the drain water. He had no wish. His body was sticky. He didn't bath for months. Sometimes he used to beg. He had not laughed for ages. He was afraid of the light, especially the full moon which provided light in the dark when the sun was off in the night... He felt irritated every time he saw the full moon. He used to think that no such thing exists now that it is blasphemous, that humans possess no ...

Sea yearning

He was yearning for sea. Even in his dreams, he was seeing beaches, waves. He was outbound to the center of the country, much away from the shoreline, for a goal and limited time. Restless he became and drank two glasses of water, ridiculous! He knew this will not help. He has to wait for the correct time. Anyways he was there only last month. He spent a whole week looking at the rising and descending waves. He knew he would need this when he would be on his way towards the land. Sometimes he felt as if his veins contains waves and not blood. He was addicted to sea. He could feel it all over. No, it's not taking any worse shape. He has his memories for good old days but daydreaming is not an option for him. He has to focus on his goal. So strong were his memories that he could hear sea waves and feel a walk on the beach whenever he closed his eyes.  One late night while he was half asleep, he felt drowning in the air. How could it be? He thought what this mermaid thing is? He...

Chain of lies

Becoming more and more skeptic with respect to my experience with people. This is in getting the service from the people. This is when there is the transaction of money involved. This is when people lie about their commitments. This is when people try to make fool and think that it is marketing. In fact, people doing such frauds are in the cloak of ignorance that they are the better market person. It is not like that. It is the sheer absence of law and order situation that so many people are having such kind of experience of dishonesty.  Companies and industries know that neither the state is vigilant enough to look at the situation nor the people are united enough to talk for themselves and they make the best use of this fragility. The experience with people is to the extent that people ignore someone in dire need at the roadside in the blood of the accident. They do not want to crush their crucial time and goodwill in matters of police. Now the government has realized this and ...

धूधुल होता मैहर

आखिर क्या बात है? या तो मैहर वासी एक गहरी निद्रा में डूबे हुए है जो की ये अपनी ही बनती मृत्युशैया को नकार रहे है अथवा इन्हे बारम्बार बेवक़ूफ़ बनाया जा रहा है. आखिर मैहर में धूल मिट्टी का प्रदूषण कब बंद होगा. वैसे भी ये केवल मिट्टी नहीं रही है. प्रत्येक दिन सुबह से ही ट्रक वाहनों का ताता बंध जाता है जो की मैहर के सीने को फाड़ते हुए, बीच सड़क से लगातार गुजरता रहता है. इतने वाहनों से होने वाला प्रदुषण जो की जहरीली कार्बन अन्य गैसों के विवरण को वातावरण में धूल के साथ धधोक देता है. इसे ही मैहर वासी न केवल सुबह चाय के साथ, दोपहर और रात खाने के साथ, बल्कि निरंतर हर एक सास के साथ अपने शरीर में प्रवेश कराते रहते है और मजे में रहते है. ये स्लो पॉइज़न है ज़नाब. अब मैहर तीन तरफ से सीमेंट कारखानो से घिरा हुआ है. इनसे होने वाले प्रदूषण से जो वातावरण को हानि पहुंच रही है, उसका जवाब कौन देगा? एक दशक पहले का मैहर कुछ और था जब की भूजल के ख़त्म होने की समस्या हमे नहीं सताती थी. कुछ धूल थी तो उसको संभालने के लिए कई ज्यादा वृक्ष भी थे. आज ये हमारी आँखों के नीचे से ओझल होते जा रहा है और हम इस कगार पे है की गर...

राम मंदिर - अयोध्या वाला

क्या है राम मंदिर? आखिर सब अयोध्या में राम मंदिर बनाने को इतना व्याकुल क्यों है? ये अचानक से समाचार में क्यू आ जाता है और अचानक ये मुद्दा कुछ दिनों के लिए किधर गायब हो जाता है? यह किसकी देन है और किसके द्वारा उल्लेख करवाया जा रहा है? आम आदमी इससे कितना प्रभावित है और वे किस हद तक इसपे सोच विचार रहा है? क्या वे सोच भी रहा है की बस सुन रहा है या दूसरों के निर्णयों को सुनकर बिना सोचे अपनी राय बना रहा है? कई दिन गुज़र गए है इस खबर को न्यूज़ मीडिया में पढ़ते देखते. मैंने स्कूल पढ़ लिया, कॉलेज में एडमिशन करा लिया, नौकरी भी करने लगा पर ये तमाशा अभी भी चालू है और निरंतर कुछ लोगो के मन को ठेस पहुंचाता रहा है, विभाजित करते रहा है. न्यूज़ में आम तौर से अपने आपको "हिन्दू" संगठन का हिस्सा कहने वाले लोग इसपे टिप्पड़ी करते नज़र आते है, तर्क विहीन बातें करते है और एक दुसरे की निंदा करते रहते है. ये हमेशा कोलाहल मचाते रहते है, जैसे की ये राम जी का दूसरा अवतार हो और उनके बताये धर्म को पुनः स्थापित करने की जिम्मेदारी बस इन्हे ही दे दी गयी हो. कभी ये व्याकुल से सरकारी नेता भी होते है जो उलटी-सीधी लुह...