
I was nudging my sister to start writing. She had been asking what to write upon and was delaying it. I was unhappy. Today evening she surprised me with a rather sensitive yet small write up, a genuine process turned terribly into a taboo, a problem. This article is a response to her write-up from my "viewpoint"...

Dear Behna,

I am happy that you have finally written often considered rather a sensitive topic in India. Even when I am typing the words I am not sure, should I share this publically? Would people take it openly or would they be judging me? Menstruation in girls and its social implications in India is what you chose to write on. First of all, if it would have been happening with Men, the world would be a better place to live!! You should be aware that you are one of the many girls who is sharing a common invisible stage with you. This simple process has been turned into agony for all of them. Is there a need to be more vocal about the topic in India? Undoubtedly, the answer is yes & people and social media at least in urban areas are talking about it. Mr. Arunachalam Muruganantham take on this is really adventurous and awesome.

Why is it considered a taboo in India and why people are silent? Ashamed literally means “feeling embarrassed or guilty”. Embarrassment and guilty are two different feelings altogether but they sometimes converge to being “ashamed”. Embarrassment occurs when we caught ourselves in an unwanted situation since it is unwanted and untimely for which we are not prepared, hence it causes embarrassment or awkwardness. Putting more light to this from my perspective, it also reflects that we are self-conscious about our interactions with the external world so we need to chord cutting somewhere. Without the Bamboo, the flute can never be played! What is being guilty means? It is when someone or you yourself charge you with a wrongdoing. Wrongdoing can be from your perspective and most people do not have their own perspective, hence they try to think from other’s perspective which is totally impractical and hence baseless!!

A set of questions for you to think upon and maybe writing something more on… What is equality? Are we equal, if yes, in what sense? Do you really think equality is a parameter that should exist for measuring between men, women & others? Are you "okay" talking about LGBT? Why should we be given equal opportunities in life… i.e. why our laws and our society need a certain “always evolving” framework towards it? Dou you know what amendments in people’s mind of our society are needed to make things better? If yes, what are you doing about it? Do you think the government will take care of it? What are your goals towards it? You know what is insanity? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Since you are female and you deal with the process of menstruation by following certain norms. I hope that you at times must feel privilege that you are not put under many restrictions in society when compared with other unprivileged, majority of which include females from poor classes. You are also privileged with not wearing burkha while going outside, well that’s a different topic but when in a city like Pune I encounter female wearing the same, generally I think, if they are happy about it, if yes, it is perfect, if no, then should something be done about it? Many women in India are already breaking the norms and the hypocritical religious cycles, lest that they are criticized by the people who lack perspectives in life. Hence determination to bring change is a must. Do you know that women from poor classes could not even afford proper clothing to manage this process and because of that they resort to unhygienic cloths which are a cause of worry since it leads to many diseases and it further engraves the situation? Some 15-20% women, because of their financial situation are able to afford it. Are you worried about the rest? Do you think with this much going in their life, they will be able to contribute anything to their productivity, let alone make a good career. In your doctor career ahead, you will pass by women who will complain to you that there aren’t enough public toilets around for that are the major issue to conduct day to day life where women are increasingly coming out of their home and doing business.

How to break the cycle? It can be done by spreading correct awareness. It can be done from sensitizing the masses through education. Education is the key to up bring the people to a common platform so that we all understand the situation and do something about it, else we will be left conflicting each other and nothing else. Your own ideas are welcome. I although request you to become a social catalyst and before that train yourself for situations which are unfortunate yet practical so that you save yourself thinking negative and keep moving in a goal-oriented fashion. Please do not forget that we are living in a true hypocrite society and that includes me as well, so you need self-confidence more than anything. Other weapons are Reading, writing, acting what you believe, travel to know more people etc. & repeat! Last but not the least, embrace yourself, embrace nature and be happy! If it is natural, it is natural, so act natural!

Below quote I picked from the Goodreads since I liked it:
“The great mother whom we call Innana gave a gift to woman that is not known among men, and this is the secret of blood. The flow at the dark of the moon, the healing blood of the moon’s birth - to men, this is flux and distemper, bother and pain. They imagine we suffer and consider themselves lucky. We do not disabuse them.
In the red tent, the truth is known. In the red tent, where days pass like a gentle stream, as the gift of Innana courses through us, cleansing the body of last month’s death, preparing the body to receive the new month’s life, women give thanks — for repose and restoration, for the knowledge that life comes from between our legs, and that life costs blood.”
― Anita DiamantThe Red Tent

P.S. reader is welcome to give their thoughts, counter thoughts, any ideas whatsoever & lets talk about this. You see it is a cause of worry for so many people around us. Plus breaking the superstitions has to be done!


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