Cycle ride to Lohegaon

“Namaskar” is one thing people use frequently in Pune. It is also frequently used in Nagpur, one of the three cities where I lived after graduation. Namaskar is something when greeted, it means the person who is speaking meant “The infinity within me respects the infinity within you”. It means while speaking Namaskar; we find divinity in the second person and within us as well. Namaskar to you! Today we rode towards Lohegaon one of the other ends of the city. It is already March with sun at its nearest to earth. So we decided to wake up early and ride in the cooler & darker roads, purpleness in the stars filled sky and the silent paths. That’s when you meet with the reminiscent soul of the age old yet strong city in silence with divinity. I didn't realize it would be that cold. 

 I had my cycle washed off till it shone nicely and then oiling; that helped me paddling. Well Badri, this time, I will take the credit of waking you up at 4:45. While riding I told Badri that I feel fitter after the idea of bringing cycling into my life, some 4 months ago. Badri, you keep the credit of making me buy a better cycle, I went to buy cycle with no idea and surely not to buy Dodge. Thank you once again.

Yesterday night I found something. In Nagpur I used to go to the terrace of where I lived. Sky at Nagpur is rather brighter & mesmerizing. The sight of the stars at Nagpur sky is peace giving. Since I came to Pune, I had forgotten this habit of mine, mostly because of time and stress of work. Last night, I went to my roof in Pune, first time. It was a different experience. The good wind, lightings of the tall apartments and busy traffic flowing as if it is some kind of automation. Staring to the traffic always made me think of automation and then my mind wonders.

Today, in the morning I started at 5:25AM from my home at Heaven Parks. It was dark when I crossed past to cantonment area. At 6AM, I was in Yerwada above the bridge over the river and that was our meeting point. I quickly realize I need to add tools to my cycle, like lights, speedometer etc to help me ride well. Near 6, the sky turned blue and a slight of vehicles are now buzzing. The best part was riding with the prayers in the mosque. A city must be clean, doesn’t matter the size, population and trade that it carries. Cleanliness brings the worth and people’s attraction. Pune is cleaner. But the rising pollution with the rise in number of vehicles at the roads is scary. We are having fundamental rights and someone in system is there to help me provide the same; so do a city and it’s every city wish to be clean.

Well we reached near our destination around 7:10. That was when we started to drive back. Reaching home I had driven about 55kms in four hours. It was a shorter ride although as we tried to reach back before Sun pours heat to the city. We had fun & it was definitely refreshing.


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