The guy today...

Same guy.
Same attire like yesterday.
Same chair and table.
Same lady to talk to.

But music is louder,
it's a rap this time,
not slow rock,  like yesterday.

But there is light,
of varying intensity,
as sun is intermittently covered by clouds,
not dark, like yesterday.

But no fast wind,
it's calmer,
not so energetic,  like yesterday.

And Yes,
There are birds outside,
Chirping in a harmony,
seems sweet and cute to the guy.

But he has different mood today,
not angry, or sad,
I think, he is feeling creative,
do not know why,
may be because of the surrounding.

He is thinking,
things are better now.
Oh, sometimes such feelings come to him.
He is dreamy, maybe
he has watched a lot of cartoons since childhood,
cartoons and colors
that's why.

Summer is coming soon
It will be hot then.
Hot summer, hot winds.
When in school,
summer used to be the holidays time.

Sweet memories...
Each day, new memories.

Same guy.
But in different mood today.


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