Oh Big Black Cloud!

Oh Big Black Clouds!
Rain Heavily!

Oh Big Black Clouds!
Rain. Rain Heavily!
Rain as such, you flood everything.

For when you rain, my heart pounds with strange love.
For when you rain, birds chirp in chorus beautifully.
For when it rains, I see colors distinctly and it gets charming.
For when you rain, my mother land gets clean.
Oh Big Black clouds!
Clean my motherland, that no dirt remains.
Clean it from all hatred and pour it with love.

Oh Big Black Clouds!
Rain. Rain and Storm with cold wind.
For when you storm, I realize your rage.
Your rage make me realize the strength of nature.
For nature has divine strengths.
Strengths of showering love like a mother,
And strength of rage when human deceives it.

Oh no! Don't go! Stay!
That I want to see your rage.
That I want to find love in rage.

Oh Big Black Cloud!
Stay! Stay! Stay!... :(


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