
Showing posts from December, 2019

Spam you!

Most of us are getting increasing number of spam calls now a days. We keep on wondering how is that our detail is known these callers. How do they know where are we working? How are they so confident when they speak on the phone? Who are they? Why do they do this? How many of them are spammers and end up cheating on you? Who are genuine among them? To start with, they get our data from ourselves only. A lot of data has been leaked from the social networking sites like FB, LinkedIn. Day in and out we get to hear news that the privacy of the company has been compromised and the data is leaked to the hackers. The data is also leaked through the applications that we install in our devices. We inherently allow them to use get access of our data. Also, whenever we are filling some forms, say, while purchasing a brand new refrigerator, we have to fill the details for claiming the warranty and so on. Such informations are compiled at the dealer and the retailers end. It is also compiled ...

Caste based discrimination

Caste-based discrimination in India is deep-rooted in people's minds. Those in the lower strata suffer a significant complexity and those in the higher strata think a sense of superiority. The tradition gains authority through some of the ancient texts which were written probably for handling the administration of their times. In the meantime, it took a bad shape and the gap widened. It is to be noted that this is more of a power game. Any particular caste group is itself multiply divided into subcastes in a hierarchical manner. That means there are higher brahmins and the lesser ones, there are higher kshatriyas and the lesser ones, there are higher vaishyas.. so on. However, it is just not that. The caste communities are in a different power structure based on the region of the country. It is to be noted that the condition of the Brahmins is not the same all over the country. In many places, they do not enjoy authority. This could be related to the presence of a religious p...

Common language?

First, Indians are ultra united by many layers of dozens and dozens of factors. The issue of language is not new in India. Since the time of independence, there have been people who wanted one or other languages to be supported. Those in the Northern part of India speak Hindi in several accents. They are nearly 40%. In a way, they form the majority. But then it's different. They speak in so many accents such as Bagheli, Bundeli, Bhojpuri, Rajasthani and so on. Those in the southern and Northeastern states have native languages. The factor of accent also exists there. Those in Maharashtra speak Marathi differently in different regions of the state. Also, there are several tribes that live in India and they have their own language! India recognizes 22 official languages. There are more than 150 languages that are spoken by more than a million speakers. Now the question of a common language comes up because some of the politicians and other persons feel that we need ...

C u l t u r e

The question is rather intriguing and introspective. ‘How is Indian culture being destroyed?’ Care to know, what is Indian culture? What exactly defines our Indian culture? It's related to the lifestyle that we possess. Now, this is tricky when we say ‘we' because that's how we take into account 1.3 billion of us Indians. A good number of us are living outside India and doing wonders. Every 6th person in the world is an Indian and we are interestingly diverse and vivid like the colors of the rainbow. So, who are Indians? How are we diverse? How is that an important factor in our culture? I will never dare to define being an Indian because it can not be done ideally. However, since my childhood, I have known a thing that there is something or some event as a festival that is taking place around me. People are always in a celebration mode. The festivals are celebrated rigorously both regionally and nationally, one after another. We celebrate everything. We celebrate...

'लोग क्या कहेँगे'

नमस्कार,  सुशील कन्या अर्थात लम्बे बाल, फेयर एंड लवली चेहरा, शांत स्वाभाव वाली गुड़िया रानी का बलात्कार कर दिया गया. उसके बाद उसे मार दिया गया और बेरेहमी से जला के शहर के सूनसान कोने में आधी रात को फेंक दिया गया. बेचारे लड़के देर रात तक पी के टुन्न थे. सुशील कन्या देख अपना आपा खो बैठे थे. खबर ने मार्किट में खूब नाम कमाया. लोगों का खून भी खौला. मीडिया ने जम कर नौटंकी रची. नेताजी परिवार वालों से मिल आये और लटके चेहरे के साथ फोटू भी ट्वीट की. सबने अफ़सोस जाहिर किया. दो दिन बीत चुके है. जिनके बच्चे लड़के है, उन्हें ज्यादा फर्क नही पड़ा. समाज को कोस देने भर से उनका काम चल गया. जिनके घर में बच्चियां और बहने है, उन्हें तालीम दे दी गयी है की इस आज़ाद देश में भी उन्हें पूरी आज़ादी नही है. संभल के रहना होगा. बालिग़ होने के बावजूद भी उन्हें स्वतः गलतियां करने की अनुमति नही है. उन्हें समय से अपने कक्ष में आना होगा, लड़को से दूरी बनानी होगी इत्यादि. अब सब भूखे है और इस खबर से ऊब चुके है. वापस से थक हार कर पुराने रवैये में आने वाले है. आप, मैं, हम सब. We make the society. कृपया आदमी जात को अकेले मत कोसे...