At Jalna

It's a clear day at Jalna. Unclouded blue sky is radiating yellowish sun-rays all around. I stand at the public bus station waiting for a person to pick me up. I arrived a while ago. It's nearing 1'O clock in the afternoon. With temperature calming to 42 degree celcius, I feel confused & little sweaty. Over my formals, I am wearing a cotton Gamchha across my neck and intermittently over the head. It helped me to protect from the heat. I rushed outside and found a shadowy spot by the shop of a tea seller. There are customers at the shop. It's around the corner of the station. A series of buses passed before me raising dust & black carbon into the air. Unaffected, not too many except me covered their noses to not inhale the soot. Jalna is part of the 'Marathwada' region. It recently got famous because of the high number of farmer's suicide news in the media. To put it in right context, If it doesn't rain enough for a year, there is go...