21st Century Employee
I catch a line from the movie “Into the wild” as – Career is a 20 th century invention . As much as it hits the brain cell, no wonder about its truthfulness. World is divided between developed, developing and under-developed countries. Thinkers and philosophers have interpreted the world and tried to understand the society in their own way. May be some of the words like Capitalism, socialism, communism, blah-blah-ism make some sense to you. Indian fabric is slowly turning towards Industrialization. What does that mean? 100 years back, Indians used to live in joint families. There would be one patriarch who would rule their large family. Agriculture was the main source of income. Population exploded. Lands were divided and distributed in ownership. Machine were invented. Productivity was trended. People started to move out of their joint families. Urban societies grew in size and started to become the concentrated economic centers. Last 50 years in India, there is an increa...