
Showing posts from November, 2016

And it was a well winter Sunday

And it was a well winter Sunday When in the morning, I went for a long ride in my new bicycle Good experience Me And I was sitting in my room Tired I live in a quiet place Tired And chatting And all birds And music Hmm… And all of a sudden There is rush outside Heavy honking Crying No  High Khaki uniforms Running And me Rushed to kitchen window Hall windows Balcony Oh my phone … .. . .. . . WOKE UP from the dream AND AGAIN a well winter Sunday long ride new bicycle Good experience! sitting in my room Tired birds And music .. .

What is happiness to them?

What is happiness to them? To the women, I saw Sitting at the edge of her house’s main door Carrying her little baby in her arms Smiling intermittently and staring at the passersby Passersby, some at their SUVs, some in bicycles and bikes I wonder what might be the chain of thoughts at her mind… What is happiness to them? To the boot polisher sitting at the road side Under the black umbrella as roof Over the mat with other’s boot Staring frantically to passersby, If some could end up coming to him So that rice could be afforded to his family that day What is happiness to them? To the security guard of the society Sitting silently in his cabin For long hours, day and night Away from his family in every festival Won’t the children of society remind him of his new born baby? What is happiness to them? What is happiness to them? I wonder. Do you?

सन्नाटा ही रहने दो

और तो ये सन्नाटा पुराने गाने भी पर अजीब से लोग अब रातें ठंडी होने लगी है यहाँ यहाँ इस बड़े शहर में हां, मन थोड़ा परेशान सा है अब किस शहर को अपना बनाये? किस शहर का हो जाए? वही देर रात में, या फिर सुबह सुबह जब लोग सो रहे होते है और भरे सन्नाटे में, जब रेलगाड़ी की सीटी सुनाई पड़ती है मैं कई शहर की सैर कर लेता हु कई लोग याद आ जाते है चलो अच्छा है अब ये सुन्दर ग़ज़लें पुरानी तसवीरें अच्छी लगती है, मन हल्का कर देती है नहीं सन्नाटा ही रहने दो रात ही रहने दो बात निराली है इसकी